Summer Sculpted Legs – battersea personal trainer

4 May

Summer Sculpted Legs – battersea personal trainer

Summer is on its way and that beach holiday is creeping closer.  It’s the time of year we start pulling out the summer clothes – shorts, t-shirts and the dreaded swimwear.

We all have one body part that we wish we could change with a click of our fingers; and legs are always high up on the list.  The problem is that clicking your fingers isn’t working, so you need to do something about it…….what you need is a leg training routine.

Over the next 8 weeks, incorporate the below exercises into your regular gym routine and squat, step-up and curl your way to toned legs.
1: Goblet Squat
Often referred to as the King of Exercises and there are many variations.  A great lower body exercise working your quads, hamstrings, glutes, hips and adductors all in one go.  Squats should not be ignored.

The Goblet Squat in 3 easy steps

  1. Holding a kettlebell against your chest stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your toes turned out slightly
  2. Keeping your back tall, sit back as if you were sitting down – only sit back until your thigh is parallel to the floor or your back starts to round
  3. Squeeze your bum and push through your heels and stand tall


  • Keep your knees pushed out
  • Always keep your chest tall

2: Leg Curl (aka hamstring curl)
Often neglected, leg curls work your hamstrings (glutes and adductors) which need some attention.

Swiss Ball Leg Curl

Start Position

  1. Lie face up on the floor and place both feet up on a Swiss ball
  2. Push your feet into the ball, squeeze your bum and raise your hips off the floor until your body is in a straight line
  3. Pull your heels in toward your hips, making sure that your hips raise up as you pull your heels in
  4. Push your heels away to return to the start position


  • Always keep your hips off the floor until all reps are complete
  • Focus on keeping your abs and glutes tight. Do NOT overarch your back
  • Place your hands out by your side with your palms facing the ceiling

3: Front Foot Elevated Split Squat
Like the squat, Split Squats work your quads, hamstrings, glutes, hips and adductors.

Front Foot Elevated Split Squat

  1. Holding a pair of dumbbells, put your left foot on a box – a lowered reebok /step deck will do nicely
  2. Step your right foot back into a split squat stance
  3. Lower your right knee (back knee) toward the floor until it gently touches the ground
  4. Squeeze your bum and push through your left heel into the box to return to the start position


  • Don’t take too long a step back – you want to be in a 90/90 position at the bottom
  • Keep the weight on the front foot

4: King Deadlift (aka Skaters Squat)
A little more complicated but worth the effort; working the hamstrings, glutes and quads.

King Deadlift

  1. Standing on your right leg, bend your left knee (raising the lower leg off the floor)
  2. Raise both arms out in front of you, sit your hips and bum down and lower yourself toward the floor (you will be bending the right knee) – you want to aim the left knee toward the pad on the floor
  3. Squeeze your bum and push through the right heel to return to the start position


  • With the foot that is off the floor – keep the foot as close to your bum as possible

5: Step-Up

Step-ups are the Ronseal of exercises – they do exactly what they say on the tin…a step up!  A great exercise that mimics everyday movement; and works your legs and glutes and gets your heart pumping.


  1. Holding a pair of dumbbells, place your left foot on a bench – your left knee should be at a 90o angle
  2. Standing tall, squeeze your bum and push through the left heel and step up onto the bench. Your right foot should lightly touch the box for balance
  3. With your right leg, step down to the floor to return to the start position


  • Always keep tall through the spine

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